2024 Chowan County Regional Fair Admission & Special Pricing

2024 Gate Admission Tickets - $8.00 for 36" and taller at the gate
2024 Daily Wristband for Rides - $25.00 Everyday at the Midway Ticket Box

"Car Load" Night

Returning this year! Car load night pricing will only be available on Tuesday, September 24th. No rain date. For a total of only $75, all passengers in a car (6 people maximum) who are buckled into individual seat belts will receive gate admission and unlimited rides. You will be given a ticket with the number of buckled passengers in your car as you drive up to turn into the ticket booth to purchase a "Car Load" ticket. Any passengers over the 6 count limit will have to pay regular gate admission price.
"Military Appreciation Day"
In an effort to recognize and honor the active military personnel that protect our country, Chowan County Regional Fair and Dreamland Amusements are once again offering reduced pricing for admission and unlimited rides at this year's Fair. Gate admission will be 1/2 price or $4.00 for 36" or taller, and available to active military personnel and their families with Military ID. For those who wish to ride the Dreamland amusements, wristbands for unlimited rides will also be discounted from $25 to $15, good for all rides. The American Legion Auxiliary will give a free drink with a food order. ID will need to be shown to ticket seller at time of purchase. Discount is for Saturday, September 28th, 2024 from 11:00 am until closing. Tickets must be purchased at the gate. Come one, come all!!
Midway closes at 11:00 pm except Saturday when it closes at 12 Midnight. ABSOLUTELY NO GLASS CONTAINERS will be allowed on the Fairgrounds. Shirts are required. NO alcoholic beverages will be allowed on the Fairgrounds. Chowan Country Regional Fair officials reserve the right to refuse admission to and/or evict anyone who is disorderly and/or intoxicated.
Thanks, and we know you'll have a great time.
We look forward to seeing you at the Chowan County Regional Fair.