Hog Showmanship Show
We are pleased to annouce the Hog Showmanship show is back for 2022. Open to 3rd through 12 graders in Northeastern NC. Please see application for full rules and application dates.

Hogs must be picked up from the Fair Grounds on August 19th at 5:30 pm.
Each participant and a parent/guardian are required to attend the showmanship clinic and swine raising presentation held on the day of pick up.
All hogs will be provided by Chowan County Regional Fair (CCRF) and assigned using a blind draw.
All hogs will be weighed prior to the show and must have gained a minimum of 15 lbs to compete.
Any hog checked in in poor condition will be subject to disqualification and premium will be forfeited.
All participants must have their entry at the Show Barn by 4pm on the day of the show.
All hogs will become property of the CCRF at the end of the show.
Hogs will be sold to a packer chosen by the CCRF.
Premium Calculation = Weight of entry x packer price per lb minus $50 livestock fee
*Checks will be mailed to participant within 10 days of show.
*Any disputes will be settled by the Showmanship Committee and their ruling will be final.