The Fair Board meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm. Every meeting is open to the community and we welcome you to come learn about us.
2024 Chowan County Regional Fair Board of Directors
E. C. Toppin - President
Becky Wilder - Vice President
Bob Turner - Vice President
Carla Belch - Treasurer
2024 Chowan County Regional Fair Executive Committee
EC Toppin Becky Wilder Bob Turner
Josie Perry Carla Belch Carrie Schwartz Krambeck
Ginger Meyers - Secretary
Chowan County Regional Fair Directors
2024 Directors - Aaron Perry, Lynn Forehand, Patricia Copeland, Ginger Meyers
2025 Directors - Brenda Toppin, Sharon Schwartz, Stacy West, Josie Perry
2026 Directors - Alton Lane, Carrie Schwartz Krambeck, Holly Colombo, Joan Privott
2024 Chowan County Regional Fair Ex-Officio Board Members
Mary Morris Tim Belch Jerry Rahal Laura Beth
Martin Summann Peter Rascoe Richard Copeland Win Dale
Deborah Phelps Camaryn Byrum Sherrone Battle Gail Forehand
Joseph Goodwin Sarah Trueblood Chelsea Leary Tommy Forehand
Deborah Long Travis Krambeck Graham West Terry Hardison
Jason Forward Melvin "Peanut" Parks Cassie Perry Tim Phelps
Mac Privott Ashley Merritt Cindy Wilson Janet Respass
Deborah Raynor Terry Meyers David Wilson Evelyn Gray
David Peeler Kenni Woody Jerry Harrell
2024 Chowan County Regional Junior Fair Board
Makayla West - Pres. David Mitchell- VP Violet Polluck - Sec Izaak Pollock - Treas
Hailey Mitchel Mathus Grieve Raylee Spruill Maddie Schwartz
Brantley Herba Juliana Slades Alex Gardner Savannah Schwartz Kendall Cavanaugh Ava Lee
Chowan County Regional Fair - Programs Chairmen
The Chowan County Regional Fair is good, clean, wholesome family fun. Located at the American Legion Post 40 on West Queen Street in Edenton, NC, the Fair offers rides for big and small, a variety of delicious foods, exhibits of local talent, and professional entertainment. The emphasis of the fair is on education of young and old through exhibits and displays. Free parking is available with tram rides to and from the parking lot and the Fair gates provided by the Edenton and Rocky Hock Lions Clubs. So, pack up the family and come on down and enjoy a memorable evening.
The Chowan County Regional Fair was first held in 1947 as The American Legion Fair (See History link for a detailed history). Since that time it has grown into one of the most respected fairs in the State, winning many awards, culminating with the prestigious Image Award for best medium sized fair in North Carolina for 2007, 2008, 2011, 2016, and 2018.
The Fair is sponsored by The Edward G. Bond American Legion Post 40 and is run by The Chowan County Regional Fair Association. The Association is made up of an Executive Committee, a Board of Directors, Ex-Officio Board Members, and a Junior Fair Board. Directors serve a three year term and can be re-elected when their term expires. Ex-Officio Members include student advisors, extension service agents, a senior citizen representative, and legal counsel.
The job of actually running the Fair is divided into committees, most of which are chaired by Board Members and made up of the hundreds of volunteers that help each year. There is only one paid position on the fair staff and that is our Housekeeper. Everyone else, including the Fair Manager is a volunteer. Chowan County Regional Fair is one of the few all-volunteer fairs left in North Carolina.
The Chowan County Regional Fair is licensed by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services as an Agricultural Fair. The Fair is a member of The North Carolina Association of Agricultural Fairs and The International Association of Fairs and Exhibitions. Board Members regularly attend conventions and zone meetings to learn and share knowledge from other fairs and industry experts that will improve the Fair. Board members have also been very active in the North Carolina Association of Agricultural Fairs. Five of our officers have served on the Board of Directors of The NCAOAF and three have served as President. We currently have one serving on the Board of Directors for the NCAOAF and several serving on various Committees of the NCAOAF.
The Chowan County Regional Fair Association is dedicated to providing the people of the Albemarle Region the best possible fair experience and entertainment value.